Das ist nicht ein problem ,dass man in Ă–sterreich nicht englisch redet.. Sondern es ist dein nicht englisch wissens problem
Auserdem habe ich nirgent wo im forum gesehen ,dass man kein englisch reden darf bzg. soll..
Stefan Hedenig hat geschrieben:christian1970 hat geschrieben:Wir sind hier in AT. Nicht in Ausland da wird Deutsch gesprochen nicht in Fremdsprache die keiner versteht.
Um Himmels willen, das muss doch wirklich nicht sein. Wie engstirnig kann man denn heutzutage bitte sein? Und wenn du schon über die Sprache nörgelst, mach dir bitte wenigstens die Arbeit deinen Satz korrekt zu schreiben. Wie dem auch sei, für beides gibt es passende Volkshochschulkurse. Für Bildung ist es nie zu spät.
@OP: UPC coax-based internet access has a rather bad reputation for suffering from network oversubscription at times. The problems you describe fit perfectly to what many users are experiencing over and over, however there are lots of others who never have these problems, it just depends on how many people are sharing the same network segment with you. There are many threads (also in this forum) where people are having performance problems with UPC fiber power access - usually the speeds should be normal between 2 and 6 a.m. when nobody is using the net. Probably you have a few power-users around you, who use up all the available shared network speed.
If you can, try another speedtest during that time to find out if your problem is simply related to an overloaded access node. Also try to avoid using WLAN on the Thomson routers as it seems that it's generally not working too well. If the performance is bad even during the early hours of the day, it might be a good idea to try and exchange the modem for a different one.
Oversubscription problems are usually fixed within a few weeks, but may re-appear after some months or even years, that's how it always has been. Well, at least it's faster than your 2 Mbit DSL line, judging from the attached speedtest
thx for reply, i tried to change the modem but it wasnt working for me.. because upc only provide them router..
i dont share my internet connection with noone but its really sucks..
i called upc and they said me everything is ok.
Then i asked,
- normally "how much should my download speed ?"
- the techincer said : "30 mbps" .
- then why i get max. 500 kbps and u say everything is normal ?
- techincer : ..... ok we gonna forward you to another technic service, then they will call u...
there is really big problem, because when i try to download something from download services or playstation store, its really slow...
Thx again !