und jfyi: das ist nur ein teil der einstellungsmoeglichkeiten des dhcp-servers:
- Code: Alles auswählen
List all DHCP server option instances
Syntax : instlist
Command: dhcp server option flush
Flush all DHCP server option templates and instances
Syntax : flush
Command: dhcp server pool add
Add a DHCP server pool
Syntax : add [name = <string>] [index = <number>]
Parameters :
[name = <string>]
The name of the DHCP server pool.
[index = <number>]
The number of the pool before which you want the new pool to be added.
Command: dhcp server pool config
Configure a DHCP server pool
Syntax : config name = <{LAN_private}> intf = <{LocalNetwork}>
[index = <number>] [poolstart = <ip-address>]
[poolend = <ip-address>]
[netmask = <ip-mask(dotted or cidr)>]
[gateway = <ip-address|0|none>] [server = <ip-address|none>]
[primdns = <ip-address|none>] [secdns = <ip-address|none>]
[dnsmetric = <number{0-100}>] [primwins = <ip-address|none>]
[secwins = <ip-address|none>]
[leasetime = <number{0-1814400}>]
[unnumbered = <{disabled|enabled}>]
[localgw = <{disabled|enabled}>]
Parameters :
name = <{LAN_private}>
The name of the DHCP server pool.
intf = <{LocalNetwork}>
The interface for which the pool is allowed to lease IP addresses.
[index = <number>]
The number of the pool before which you want the new pool to be added.
[poolstart = <ip-address>]
The DHCP server pool start IP address.
[poolend = <ip-address>]
The DHCP server pool end IP address.
[netmask = <ip-mask(dotted or cidr)>]
The DHCP server pool netmask.
[gateway = <ip-address|0|none>]
The IP address of the default router for DHCP clients.
[server = <ip-address|none>]
The IP address of the DHCP server for DHCP clients.
[primdns = <ip-address|none>]
The IP address of the primary DNS server for DHCP clients.
[secdns = <ip-address|none>]
The IP address of the secondary DNS server for DHCP clients.
[dnsmetric = <number{0-100}>]
The DHCP server pool DNS route metric.
[primwins = <ip-address|none>]
The IP address of the primary WINS server for DHCP clients.
[secwins = <ip-address|none>]
The IP address of the secondary WINS server for DHCP clients.
[leasetime = <number{0-1814400}>]
The time in seconds a client is allowed to use an address (tip: 0 means
infinite lease).
[unnumbered = <{disabled|enabled}>]
Assign an IP address from this pool to the DHCP server or not (dynamic
pools only).
[localgw = <{disabled|enabled}>]
Proxy for a virtual default gateway residing in same subnet of DHCP
client instead of the remote peer address.
Command: dhcp server pool delete
Delete a DHCP server pool
Syntax : delete name = <{LAN_private}>
Parameters :
name = <{LAN_private}>
The name of the DHCP server pool.
Command: dhcp server pool rtadd
Add a route to the DHCP server pool
Syntax : rtadd name = <{LAN_private}> dst = <ip-address>
[dstmsk = <ip-mask(dotted or cidr)>]
[gateway = <ip-address|0>]
Parameters :
name = <{LAN_private}>
The name of the DHCP server pool.
dst = <ip-address>
The IP destination address of the route for DHCP clients.
[dstmsk = <ip-mask(dotted or cidr)>]
The destination IP address mask.
[gateway = <ip-address|0>]
The IP address of the next hop. Must be directly connected to the DHCP
Command: dhcp server pool rtdelete
Delete a route from the DHCP server pool
Syntax : rtdelete name = <{LAN_private}> dst = <ip-address>
[dstmsk = <ip-mask(dotted or cidr)>]
[gateway = <ip-address|0>]
Parameters :
name = <{LAN_private}>
The name of the DHCP server pool.
dst = <ip-address>
The IP destination address of the route for DHCP clients.
[dstmsk = <ip-mask(dotted or cidr)>]
The destination IP address mask.
[gateway = <ip-address|0>]
The IP address of the next hop. Must be directly connected to the DHCP
Command: dhcp server pool optadd
Add an option instance to the DHCP server pool
Syntax : optadd name = <{LAN_private}> instname = <>
Parameters :
name = <{LAN_private}>
The name of the DHCP server pool.
instname = <>
The name of the DHCP server option instance.
Command: dhcp server pool optdelete
Delete an option instance from the DHCP server pool
Syntax : optdelete name = <{LAN_private}> instname = <>
Parameters :
name = <{LAN_private}>
The name of the DHCP server pool.
instname = <>
The name of the DHCP server option instance.
Command: dhcp server pool ruleadd
Add a selection rule to the DHCP server pool
Syntax : ruleadd name = <{LAN_private}> rulename = <>
Parameters :
name = <{LAN_private}>
The name of the DHCP server pool.
rulename = <>
The name of the DHCP server selection rule.
Command: dhcp server pool ruledelete
Delete a selection rule from the DHCP server pool
Syntax : ruledelete name = <{LAN_private}> rulename = <>
Parameters :
name = <{LAN_private}>
The name of the DHCP server pool.
rulename = <>
The name of the DHCP server selection rule.
Command: dhcp server pool flush
Flush all DHCP server pools
Syntax : flush
Command: dhcp server pool list
List all DHCP server pools
Syntax : list [name = <{LAN_private}>]
Parameters :
[name = <{LAN_private}>]
The name of the DHCP server pool.
Command: dhcp server rule add
Add a DHCP server rule for DHCP pool selection
Syntax : add name = <string> type = <{vci|uci|mac}> vci [!]= <quoted string>
uci [!]= <quoted string>
mac [!]= <hardware-address with wildcard ex: '00:9f:aa:*:*:*'>
Parameters :
name = <string>
The name of the DHCP server rule.
type = <{vci|uci|mac}>
Specify the DHCP server rule type.
vci [!]= <quoted string>
The vendor class identifier string.
uci [!]= <quoted string>
The user class identifier string.
mac [!]= <hardware-address with wildcard ex: '00:9f:aa:*:*:*'>
The mac address.
Command: dhcp server rule delete
Delete a DHCP server rule
Syntax : delete name = <>
Parameters :
name = <>
The name of the DHCP server rule.
Command: dhcp server rule list
List all DHCP server rules
Syntax : list
Command: dhcp server rule flush
Flush all DHCP server rules
Syntax : flush