eh alles da:
* "Established sessions in" applies to firewalls only. NAT will allow the "established sessions in" automatically.
* NAT users will need to map any "in"s (hosting games only) to the IP of the computer hosting the game.
* Warcraft III is the only Blizzard Title that currently supports multiple players hosting games behind NAT.
und wie man die verbindung ueberprueft, wird auch erklaert:
* Windows users should go to My Computer, C:\ drive, and open the tracert.txt file. If you see any of the following items (listed below) in your trace
route for any of the entries, you may need to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and provide them your trace route information. Once the
information has been submitted, it may take several days for the problem to be identified and resolved. Remember that Blizzard Entertainment can only ask
your ISP to fix an issue; the best results come when you contact your ISP directly.
* Items that may indicate a problem with your Internet connection:
* Timed out's
* * symbols
* If the number value before the ms appears to jump around from low to high a lot or if the numbers stay at high values.
Special Note: Since our servers are protected from unsolicited traffic and attacks, all the hops after you have reached our server may give you
an error message such as 'Request Timed Out' or 'Destination Net Unreachable'. Our current server names begin with various mixes of numbers and letters,
and end in the following addresses:
-ASIA: (example:
-USWEST: (example:
-USEAST: (example:
-EUROPE: (example:
All error messages you may receive after contacting our server can be safely ignored for troubleshooting purposes, and they do NOT indicate a problem with
your internet connection.