Thrill Me Kill Me Baby

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Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen rund um Internet-Zugänge via ADSL und xDSL (alle DSL-basierenden Technologien).

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Thrill Me Kill Me Baby

Beitragvon phr33ked by MS » Fr 15 Sep, 2000 14:27

By: C.G.

My day off. I'm messing with my computer, tweakin' my Cable connection to the max, upgrading my software, and so on. Well, I was updating my MS Office 2000 when something very interesting and alarming happened. I got to the installation of the Office update, when Office Update informed me that there were some Programs running. ATITv Player (I was watching some TV too,) and RegLoad. Well, I have seen Regload.exe before, when I looked in MSConfig to turn some startup proggies off. But what is Regload.exe, you may ask, well I wanted to know. So I did a search on my Computer for regload. I came up with 3 hits. 1)Regload.exe 2)Regload.hlp and 3)Regload.lgc. My curiosity has gotten the better of me I was thinking at this point. I almost dismissed it as a part of Windows 98. Boy was I wrong. Well I right clicked on Regload.exe and choose properties.
Here's what I found.

Comments: Registry Loading device.
Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name: Key Phr33k

Wait a second, what in the world is that? Not being a computer id**t, I know what phreaking is, but what is a phreak proggie doing on my computer? Well the name kind of gives it away. It copies all my keystrokes into a file. But what file? Then I clicked on Regload.hlp.
" The Regload.hlp file is not a valid help file, or is corrupted."
Really, then what is taking up One Meg of disk space??? That's where <Shift> Right click , Open With comes into play. Well well well, I opened it with WordPad and boy was I surprised. Everything I had typed on my keyboard from 12/16/99 to 9/9/00 was staring me in the face. Oh my God. Everything, passwords, bank accounts, credit card info, social security number, EVERYTHING, was in this file. It was only recently that I started using a firewall to block access to and from my computer. It kind of explains why my Active Light on my Cable Modem has been flashing randomly. Time to put a Stop to this garbage. I immediately stopped Regload from running, deleted all the Regload files, opened the registry, did a search for all Regload instances, deleted them all. Made sure there were no entries in MSConfig that tried to load Regload. I probably have successfully deleted all references, but now I'm paranoid. I'm going to format C: and reload Windows.
This is to inform everybody of the dangers of the Internet. It is a warning, don't let it happen to you. I may never know where my keystrokes are or what they are being used for, but it can't be good. Get a firewall, secure your computer. We may never stop this from happening, but a least we can slow it down a little.

Thanks for your time,


habt ihr auch so ein mulmiges gefĂĽhl? oder bin ich der einzige...

die story ist ĂĽbrigens von, tolle seite um die conn zu tweaken!
phr33ked by MS

RE: Thrill Me Kill Me Baby

Beitragvon [KB]Flipper » Sa 16 Sep, 2000 17:45

uiui! hm ich hab gottseidank ne Firewall + guten Virenscanner. aber komisch is das schon... da fängt man zum nachdenken an! hm wird Zeit dass ich mich gut in Linux einarbeite - da kann sowas nicht so leicht passieren. (hoffe ich zumindest mal)

RE: Thrill Me Kill Me Baby

Beitragvon Dragon » Sa 16 Sep, 2000 18:14

Everything I had typed on my keyboard from 12/16/99 to 9/9/00 was staring me in the face. Oh my God. Everything, passwords, bank accounts, credit card info, social security number, EVERYTHING, was in this file. It was only recently that I started using a firewall to block access to and from my computer. It kind of explains why my Active Light on my Cable Modem has been flashing randomly. Time to put a Stop to this garbage.


also wer passwords, bank accounts, credit card info, social security number,
am pc hat der ist selbst schuld !
mit credit card wĂĽrd ich sowieso nie per internet bezahlen, viel zu unsicher !


KLICK MICH AN====> <a href=" " target="_blank">MFG DRAGON</a>

THE RED DRAGON . . . - - ->

CARPE DIEM ====> solange DU NIEMANDEM damit schadest !

RE: Thrill Me Kill Me Baby

Beitragvon Roman » Sa 23 Sep, 2000 15:45

/* Hallo! */

> also wer passwords, bank accounts, credit card info, social security number, am pc hat der ist selbst schuld !

Da muĂź ich Dir 100%ig zustimmen.

> mit credit card wĂĽrd ich sowieso nie per internet bezahlen, viel zu unsicher !

In vielen Fällen wird Dir nix anderes überbleiben. Wenn Du was übers Internet z.B. aus den USA bestellst, dann geht's meistens gar nicht anders, da

1. die meisten Firmen per Nachname *nicht* ins Ausland liefern,
2. die Kosten fĂĽr eine BankĂĽberweisung z.B. nach Amerika enorm sind,
3. sonst nur mehr die Möglichkeit per Vorauskasse besteht.

Ich selbst habe schon viele Dinge (z.B. erst wieder vor zwei Wochen) im Internet per Kreditkarte bestellt und habe noch keine einzige schlechte Erfahrung gemacht! Man sollte natürlich immer darauf achten bei welcher Firma man bestellt und in Extremfällen kann man den Zahlungsauftrag sperren lassen. Eine Studie hat ergeben, daß der Kreditkartenzahlungsverkehr (bei Beachtung bestimmter Regeln) wesentlich sicherer ist als in einem Restaurant damit zu bezahlen. In den meisten Fällen verschwindet der Kellner mal kurz mit Deiner Kreditkarte und Du hast keine Ahnung was er alles damit macht...

MfG Roman -> Back woth a bang!

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