SAT-ASTRA in beide Richtungen...

Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen rund um Internet-Zugänge via ADSL und xDSL (alle DSL-basierenden Technologien).
Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen rund um Internet-Zugänge via ADSL und xDSL (alle DSL-basierenden Technologien).

Diskussionen ĂĽber Provider (deren Produkte und Dienstleistungen) werden im Bereich PROVIDER gefĂĽhrt.

SAT-ASTRA in beide Richtungen...

Beitragvon Dragon » Mi 28 Jun, 2000 18:58


Bei ASTRA kommt 2001 Internet in beide Richtungen, also upstream und downstream ĂĽber Sat
Downstream bis 38Mbit/s und upstream bis 2Mbit/s

Unter gibt's eine Firma die es jetzt schon anbietet...--->

The Broadband Interactive System (BBI)
The Satellite Interactive Terminal (SIT)
Frequently Asked Questions

The Broadband Interactive System (BBI) will offer users receive and transmit capabilities from the ASTRA Satellite System. The reception to the users is at speeds up to 38 Mbit/s and the return channel (transmit) from the users is provided via a Satellite Interactive Terminal (SIT), at speeds up to 2 Mbit/s. BBI is optimized for asymmetric two-way communications (for example, for broadcasting and multicasting with return channel capabilities).

BBI will provide collection, storage and hosting of multimedia content at the hub and will route the individual services to their final destinations. The hub will accept the content contributions from a SIT and will broadcast or multicast those services to dedicated user groups via the BBI forward path. Additionally, the hub will provide external connectivity to other terrestrial or satellite networks. The return channel, originating from an office or home, will be based upon IP protocols thereby supporting all common standard Internet applications.

Active today on the ASTRA 1H, the BBI system is being prepared for implementation to start commercial trials with identified customers. BBI will serve the growing market demand for two-way asymmetric, high-speed broadband collection and delivery of multimedia data for large to small businesses, the public sector and consumers in Western and Central Europe.

SES will provide an open and neutral technology platform and is working actively with industry, service providers, operators, standardization bodies and regulatory authorities to provide a system that is based upon open and widely accepted existing and emerging technical standards (e.g. ETSI, DVB and DAVIC). BBI will use Ka-band frequencies, namely 29.5 - 30.0 GHz, that have a worldwide exclusive allocation to the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

ASTRA 1K, which is scheduled for launch in 2001, will further enhance the Broadband Interactive System by extending the geographical coverage in Western and Central Europe towards Eastern Europe and part of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) from the ASTRA prime orbital position of 19.2 East.


Internet mit SAT- in beide Richtungen...

Beitragvon Dragon » Do 29 Jun, 2000 11:12

Hi . . .

Habe mich erkundigt . . .
Internet via Sat und zwar in beide Richtungen, wird von einer Firma in Irland angeboten """"in kooperation mit einer Firma in Wien, die das Material stellt und auch Montiert . . .

1)Sat - Spiegel 120cm - 130cm also empfangen und senden plus die Hardware plus die Software
Kostet ATS 35.000,- und die Installation kommt noch dazu.
Also ATS 35.000 ist das komplette Material.
Die Firma ist ĂĽbrigens in Wien, fĂĽr die die Interresse haben.
Video West
Fernseh - Satellitentechnik
13.;Elisabethallee 24 1130Wien
Tel: 01/8764197


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