35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

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Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen zum Thema Internet-Zugänge via Fernsehkabel und Glas, Satellit und Stromleitungen.

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35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Misifts » Do 03 Nov, 2011 21:37

Hallo, ich kann nicht seher gut deutsch sprechen dann schriebe ich englisch..

Guys , i have ordered Upc 35 mbit fiber power last week. Before i used take it max then i could download by 2 mbps in a second..
but not i have 35 mbit fiber power and only can download by 500-600 kbps..
i called hotline of upc and they said me everything normal.. :-?
i have Thomson TWG870U router and its really sucks !

i use Jdownloader for downloading.. and i tried my speed on PS3 too.. i tried to demo game download from PS Store and i got for 300 mb 180 minutes waiting time :)

im staying in 1030 bezirk

its unbeleviable !

Thx for comments and helps

(sorry about english)
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon christian1970 » Do 03 Nov, 2011 23:12

Wir sind hier in AT. Nicht in Ausland da wird Deutsch gesprochen nicht in Fremdsprache die keiner versteht.
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Stefan Hedenig » Do 03 Nov, 2011 23:27

christian1970 hat geschrieben:Wir sind hier in AT. Nicht in Ausland da wird Deutsch gesprochen nicht in Fremdsprache die keiner versteht.

Um Himmels willen, das muss doch wirklich nicht sein. Wie engstirnig kann man denn heutzutage bitte sein? Und wenn du schon über die Sprache nörgelst, mach dir bitte wenigstens die Arbeit deinen Satz korrekt zu schreiben. Wie dem auch sei, für beides gibt es passende Volkshochschulkurse. Für Bildung ist es nie zu spät.

@OP: UPC coax-based internet access has a rather bad reputation for suffering from network oversubscription at times. The problems you describe fit perfectly to what many users are experiencing over and over, however there are lots of others who never have these problems, it just depends on how many people are sharing the same network segment with you. There are many threads (also in this forum) where people are having performance problems with UPC fiber power access - usually the speeds should be normal between 2 and 6 a.m. when nobody is using the net. Probably you have a few power-users around you, who use up all the available shared network speed.

If you can, try another speedtest during that time to find out if your problem is simply related to an overloaded access node. Also try to avoid using WLAN on the Thomson routers as it seems that it's generally not working too well. If the performance is bad even during the early hours of the day, it might be a good idea to try and exchange the modem for a different one.

Oversubscription problems are usually fixed within a few weeks, but may re-appear after some months or even years, that's how it always has been. Well, at least it's faster than your 2 Mbit DSL line, judging from the attached speedtest :)
Stefan Hedenig
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Misifts » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 15:04

Das ist nicht ein problem ,dass man in Ă–sterreich nicht englisch redet.. Sondern es ist dein nicht englisch wissens problem ;-)
Auserdem habe ich nirgent wo im forum gesehen ,dass man kein englisch reden darf bzg. soll..

Stefan Hedenig hat geschrieben:
christian1970 hat geschrieben:Wir sind hier in AT. Nicht in Ausland da wird Deutsch gesprochen nicht in Fremdsprache die keiner versteht.

Um Himmels willen, das muss doch wirklich nicht sein. Wie engstirnig kann man denn heutzutage bitte sein? Und wenn du schon über die Sprache nörgelst, mach dir bitte wenigstens die Arbeit deinen Satz korrekt zu schreiben. Wie dem auch sei, für beides gibt es passende Volkshochschulkurse. Für Bildung ist es nie zu spät.

@OP: UPC coax-based internet access has a rather bad reputation for suffering from network oversubscription at times. The problems you describe fit perfectly to what many users are experiencing over and over, however there are lots of others who never have these problems, it just depends on how many people are sharing the same network segment with you. There are many threads (also in this forum) where people are having performance problems with UPC fiber power access - usually the speeds should be normal between 2 and 6 a.m. when nobody is using the net. Probably you have a few power-users around you, who use up all the available shared network speed.

If you can, try another speedtest during that time to find out if your problem is simply related to an overloaded access node. Also try to avoid using WLAN on the Thomson routers as it seems that it's generally not working too well. If the performance is bad even during the early hours of the day, it might be a good idea to try and exchange the modem for a different one.

Oversubscription problems are usually fixed within a few weeks, but may re-appear after some months or even years, that's how it always has been. Well, at least it's faster than your 2 Mbit DSL line, judging from the attached speedtest :)

thx for reply, i tried to change the modem but it wasnt working for me.. because upc only provide them router..
i dont share my internet connection with noone but its really sucks..
i called upc and they said me everything is ok.
Then i asked,
- normally "how much should my download speed ?"
- the techincer said : "30 mbps" .
- then why i get max. 500 kbps and u say everything is normal ?
- techincer : ..... ok we gonna forward you to another technic service, then they will call u...

there is really big problem, because when i try to download something from download services or playstation store, its really slow...

Thx again !
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Stefan Hedenig » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 15:13

You would need to ask a UPC technician to give you a different modem, you can't use one of your own.
Well, you share your Internet connection with other people using UPC cable in your neighborhood - UPC cable is a shared medium, where all people in one DOCSIS cell share the bandwidth of that cell.

For example, there may be 50 users in your network cell, and the cell bandwidth is 400 Megabit/s (not a real number). All 50 users have to share these 400 Megabit/s. So, if there are four people with 100 Megabit fiber power plans, they can saturate the whole cell, and other users have to battle against their usage. Something like this is probably happening to you now.

You would have to try and make a speedtest during the time period I mentioned (not using WLAN) to see if the speed gets better - otherwise ask for a technician and have him exchange the modem for a different one (cisco or ubee).
Stefan Hedenig
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon _Riddik_ » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 16:01


have him exchange the modem for a different one (cisco or ubee).

Or the Arris Modem with an own Wlan Router.
It is well known that there are Bandwithproblems with the Thomson.



Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon wicked_one » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 16:44

christian1970 hat geschrieben:Wir sind hier in AT. Nicht in Ausland da wird Deutsch gesprochen nicht in Fremdsprache die keiner versteht.

Welch Ironie.... **

** For OP: "Oh, how Ironic..."

Never a mind was changed on an internet board, no matter how good your arguments are...

- I Am Not A Credible Source
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Misifts » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 19:28

edit ... flood...
Zuletzt geändert von Misifts am Fr 04 Nov, 2011 19:30, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Misifts » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 19:29

hi guys and thx all replies..
im going to call upc again for change the router..

and Stefan, i dont think its about neighbours because i just have only 10 neighbour and they are almost older people :P
i think its about Router ... im calling them right now and gonna change it tomorrow (if possible)

last speed test :

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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Stefan Hedenig » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 20:58

Ok, that's a good first step :)
Keep in mind, neighbors does not refer only to people in the same building as you!
Coax network segments can include many buildings, or even whole streets and neighborhoods.
So maybe there's 50 houses in the same network segment as you, maybe there are 100 - only UPC knows :)
Stefan Hedenig
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Misifts » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 21:00

aha i see, but itsnt my fault :S so upc have to upgrade their system.. i paid money for 35 mbit not for 500 kbps..
upc should change their provide system..
so what u prefer to me? what should i do ?
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Stefan Hedenig » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 21:08

Well there's the catch. UPC only promises to deliver "up to 35 Megabits" - there is no defined minimum speed that they absolutely must deliver. UPC will upgrade their system sometime, but it may take a few weeks or even months for them to do so. In the meantime, just try to get a better router from them right now, and wait until the situation gets better... getting UPC fiber power is a bit of a gamble. For a lot of people it works with full speed, but for others like you, it sucks.

UPC does not have any strong competition in terms of Bandwidth for Price in most of Vienna, so there is not a lot you can do against it, other than complain regularly if you can spare the time.
Stefan Hedenig
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Misifts » Fr 04 Nov, 2011 21:26

Stefan, thank you soooo much for all replies..
im gonna change my router and will tell the results on forum !

Thank you !
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon woodworm » Mo 07 Nov, 2011 08:53

christian1970 hat geschrieben:Wir sind hier in AT. Nicht in Ausland da wird Deutsch gesprochen nicht in Fremdsprache die keiner versteht.

Englisch lernen ! Dann versteht man auch die Sprache .
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Re: 35 Mbit Fiber Power 500 Kbps Download

Beitragvon Arminio » Mo 07 Nov, 2011 09:08

christian1970 hat geschrieben:Wir sind hier in AT. Nicht in Ausland da wird Deutsch gesprochen nicht in Fremdsprache die keiner versteht.

FInde ich schlimm, dass die ewig Gestrigen auch hier in diesem Forum zu finden sind. Vermutlich bist du einer, der sich eh ständig auf irgendwelchen fremdsprachigen Pornoseiten herumtreibt, aber dann unbedingt willst, dass die Sprache deiner österreichischen Herrenrasse überall gesprochen wird.

Alleine die Aussage "Fremdsprache, die keiner versteht" finde ich wirklich köstlich. Ich mein, welches österreichische Schulkind lernt nicht Englisch? Vielleicht hat es aber christian1970 erst gar nicht geschafft, schulische Bildung zu erhalten ;)

Mein Tipp an dich: Lern erstmal, richtig DEUTSCH zu schreiben (ohne 3-4 Rechtschreibfehler in EINEM Satz), dann erst reden wir darĂĽber weiter, ob du dich darĂĽber aufregen darfst, dass es jemand gewagt hat NICHT in deiner Muttersprache zu schreiben.

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