Microsofts WGA Server down

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Microsofts WGA Server down

Beitragvon radditz » Sa 25 Aug, 2007 18:36

Wie mittlerweile bereits auf zahlreichen Newsseiten zu lesen ist, gibt es Probleme mit den Microsoft WGA EchtheitsĂĽberprĂĽfungsservern.

Manche (oder gar alle?) Vista Kopien werden zur Zeit als illegal erkannt, wodurch es zu Einschränkungen kommt.

Zitat von ... &SiteID=25


I understand the frustration you all are going through. I'm investigating the issue right now.

I guarantee that we're working on this issue right now. For folks wondering, MACHINES ARE NOT SHUTTING DOWN with reduced functionality.

I guarantee that I will personally resolve this issue before I go to sleep - whether or not it is Tuesday I sleep. My goal is to identify a FIX for this issue - afterwards get you all what you are looking for, an explanation and cause.

The message from the Supportability team will be addressed appropriately as well. I encourage folks to keep an eye out on these forums.

I promise I will have an explanation and resolution as soon as humanly possible.

-Phil Liu @ Microsoft
Program Manager, WGA
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