" Then, on 14 July 2002 at 0150 UTC we found the winning key for the RSA Labs 64-bit secret-key challenge (RC5-32/12/8). That key was 0x63DE7DC154F4D039 and took us 1,757 days to locate."
"On one side, many experts say that they now consider keys as large as 1024 bits to be compromised, stating that organizations such as the NSA with unparalleled resources could build a computer capable of factoring these keys. Experts say that this system could be built at a cost of about 1 billion dollars."
http://www.geek.com/news/geeknews/2002m ... 010951.htm
Und zu dem im Jahre 2000 gecrackten RSA Key, der tatsächlich schon 1999 gecrackt wurde:
"On August 22 1999, a team of scientists from six different countries, led by Herman te Riele of CWI (Amsterdam), found the prime factors of a 512-bit number, whose size models 95% of the keys used for protection of electronic commerce on the Internet. This result shows, much earlier than expected at the start of E-commerce, that the popular key-size of 512 bits is no longer safe against even a moderately powerful attacker."
"In order to find the prime factors of RSA-155, about 300 fast SGI and SUN workstations and Pentium PCs have spent about 35 years of computing time. The computers were running in parallel -- mostly overnight and at weekends -- and the whole task was finished in about seven calendar-months."
Also ich würde sagen es ist sicher, besonders weil du als Privatperson nicht annähernd so interessant bist für Wardriver wie Banken, Firmen und dergleichen. Benutze einfach einen möglichst langen WEP Key oder wenn du dir immer noch unsicher bist, benutzt ein Kabel