SUSE 8.1 & Alcatel Speedtouch USB

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SUSE 8.1 & Alcatel Speedtouch USB

Beitragvon schrober » So 26 Jan, 2003 06:27

Read my Posting 4 lines under !!!

It works all over Europe, guaranteed !

Suse doesn´t support Alcatel Speedtouch USB, read carefully !!!!
(for Suse Support you have to pay, for mine not !!!)

Do not alter something, you´ll be happy !

Have a lot of fun !!!!!

SUSE 8.1 & Alcatel Speedtouch USB INERNATIONAL

Beitragvon schrober » So 26 Jan, 2003 06:33

<HTML>SuSE Linux: Version 8.0

You want to set up your DSL access with the SpeedTouch USB DSL modem under SuSE Linux.

First, you need the management software of Alcatel that can be found at To install the management software, proceed as described below:

Log in as user 'root'.
Unpack the management software with the command:
tar -xvzf speedmgmt.tar.gz

Change to the new directory "mgmt" by entering:
cd mgmt.
Enter the following commands in this order to compile and install the the software:
make install

Please make sure that the packages make, gcc and glibc-devel are installed.

Now you have to change a line in the start script and in the file usb.usermap. To do so, open the file /etc/hotplug/usb/speedtouch with an editor and change the line
modprobe -k speedtch
modprobe -k speedtouch

Add one 0x0000 in the file /etc/hotplug/usb.usermap:

speedtouch 0x0003 0x06b9 0x4061 0x0000 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 "Alcatel SpeedTouch USB"

speedtouch 0x0003 0x06b9 0x4061 0x0000 0x0000 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 "Alcatel SpeedTouch USB"

Restart the hotplug service with the command "rchotplug restart".

Start YaST2 and open the module Network/Basic -> DSL Configuration. You will be asked if T-Online is your provider, answer 'No'. In the next dialog, enter user name, password, VPI/VCI numbers (e.g., 0.38 for British Telecom), and switch the 'PPP mode' to 'PPP over ATM'.

Tipp: You can get the VPI/VCI numbers with the Windows Alcatel Tool or by asking your provider.


Above: it´s a matter of 2 -3 minutes ! and...

Beitragvon schrober » So 26 Jan, 2003 06:38

it works fine !!!!!!!!!!!!

German Version : 4 Lines under !!!

Beitragvon schrober » So 26 Jan, 2003 06:39

Read carefully !


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