Adsl mit Suse Partition !

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Das Forum für den Linux-Pinguin - auch andere Unix-Derivate (*BSD, (Open)Solaris, Apple's Darwin / MacOS X, ...) sind hier willkommen!

Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon Wölli Lupo » Fr 22 Nov, 2002 17:41


habe versucht eine internet verbindung mit manuel capellari`s info zustande zu bringen. vielleicht könnt ihr mir ja weiter helfen und damit was anfangen:

linux:~ # ping -c2
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=1.233 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.165 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 1.165/1.199/1.233 ms

linux:~ # ping -c2
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.305 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.165 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.165/0.235/0.305 ms
linux:~ #

linux:~ # /sbin/ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:DA:5E:C0:A6
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:12430 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:12474 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:27
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
Interrupt:5 Base address:0xd800

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

linux:~ # cat /etc/ppp/options
name "5345935000"

---> muss in dieser datei das restlich löschen was schon drinnen steht ?

linux:~ # /usr/sbin/pptp speed
(unknown)[642]: log[pptp_dispatch_ctrl_packet:pptp_ctrl.c:531]: Client
connection established.
(unknown)[642]: log[pptp_dispatch_ctrl_packet:pptp_ctrl.c:637]: Outgoing call

--> das passiert wenn ich mich einloggen will

netzwerkkarte ist auch konfiguriert

Wölli Lupo

RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon quaylar » Fr 22 Nov, 2002 19:08

---> muss in dieser datei das restlich löschen was schon drinnen steht ?

Nein - eigentlich nicht - nur kontrollieren ob die Optionen die du drin haben willst auch auskommentiert sind.

--> das passiert wenn ich mich einloggen will

Ich seh hier keine Fehlermeldungen - das sieht in Ordnung aus, aber da müsste noch mehr kommen, nämlich die Zuweisung der IP Adresse.
Bist dir sicher dass das alle Meldungen sind die du bekommst ?

Sieh mal nach was in /var/log/messages steht.....

RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon Wölli Lupo » Fr 22 Nov, 2002 21:40


---> Nein - eigentlich nicht - nur kontrollieren ob die Optionen die du drin haben willst auch auskommentiert sind.

wenn ich es nicht lösche stehen nicht nur die 6 sachen drinnen wie beschrieben bei manel capellari sondern seitenweiße text bei dem befehl >>cat /etc/ppp/options<<

wenn ich den befehl als root im terminal eingebe steht permission denied >>/var/log/messages<<

wenn ich die datei so öffne steht ur viel drinnen hier hast du den rest--->

Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:07 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:08 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:08 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:08 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:08 linux kernel: dev = 02:00, ino = 320
Oct 8 17:21:08 linux kernel: Filesystem panic (dev 02:00).
Oct 8 17:21:08 linux kernel: msdos_write_inode: unable to read i-node block
Oct 8 17:21:08 linux kernel: File system has been set read-only
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:09 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:30 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=19 sector=19
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x13) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Directory sread (sector 0x14) failed
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=10, limit=4
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: dev 02:00 blksize=512 blocknr=20 sector=20
size=512 count=1
Oct 8 17:21:37 linux kernel: Direct
Wölli Lupo

RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon quaylar » Fr 22 Nov, 2002 22:35

>wenn ich es nicht lösche stehen nicht nur die 6 sachen drinnen wie beschrieben bei >manel capellari sondern seitenweiße text bei dem befehl >>cat /etc/ ppp/options<<

Ja - aber wenn du genau hinsiehst wirst du bemerken dass sich bei sehr vielen Zeilen am Anfang ein "#" befindet.
Das ist ein sogenanntes Kommentarzeichen und alles was dahinter (in einer Zeile) steht wird nicht beachtet von dem Script.

>wenn ich den befehl als root im terminal eingebe steht permission denied >>/var/log/messages<<

>wenn ich die datei so öffne steht ur viel drinnen hier hast du den rest--->

Wenn du root bist kann das doch nicht sein.....

Versuch nochmal die Verbindung aufzubauen - und gleich danach gibst du ein "tail -n 100 /var/log/messages"

Und das postest du dann...

Was du da oben gepostet hast ist alt - siehst du das timestamp am Anfang jeder Zeile ?....


RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon Wölli Lupo » So 24 Nov, 2002 18:01

he ho !!

na das ist nicht alt hab mein datum nur nicht richtig eingestellt habs noch einmal kontrolliert ! was kann ich jetzt machen ?

Wölli Lupo

RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon Gerhard » So 24 Nov, 2002 21:27

Mach trotzdem das, worum quaylar dich gebeten hat. Durch seinen Befehl werden lediglich die letzten 100 Zeilen ausgegeben (darunter sind dann hoffentlich brauchbare Fehlermeldungen).
Die Lesefehler-Meldungen, die du zuvor gepostet hast, haben nichts mit deinem Problem zu tun! (...hoffe ich zumindest in deinem Interesse ;)

Schöne Grüße,

RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon Wölli Lupo » So 24 Nov, 2002 23:18

so hab das jetzt gemacht datum ist so eingestellt :

linux:~ # tail -n 100 /var/log/messages
Oct 10 22:57:58 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0xff <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:57:58 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x0 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:57:58 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x0 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:57:58 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c5f9d>]
Oct 10 22:57:58 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:57:58 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:57:58 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x2 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0>
<magic 0x9b8dad78> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6309>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x3 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0>
<magic 0x9b8dad78> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x4 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x5 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6309>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x5 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x6 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x6 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x7 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6309>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x7 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x8 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x8 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x9 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6309>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x9 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xa <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0xa <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xb <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6309>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0xb <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xc <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0xc <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0xd]
Oct 10 22:57:59 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0xd]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xe <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6b9c>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0xe <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xf <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0xf <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x10 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6b9c>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x10 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x11 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x11 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x12 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6b9c>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x12 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x13 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x13 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x14 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6b9c>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x14 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x15 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x15 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x16 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6b9c>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x16 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x17 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:01 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x17 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0>
<magic 0x9b8dad78> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x18 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6ee7>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x18 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0>
<magic 0x9b8dad78> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x19 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x19 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1a <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6ee7>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1a <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1b <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1b <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1c <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6ee7>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1c <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1d <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1d <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1e <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6ee7>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1e <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1f <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1f <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x20 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c6ee7>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x20 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x21 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x21 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x22]
Oct 10 22:58:02 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x22]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x23 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c776f>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x23 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x24 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x24 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x25 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c776f>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x25 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x26 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x26 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x27 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c776f>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x27 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x28 <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x28 <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x29 <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c776f>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x29 <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2a <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x2a <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2b <auth chap MD5>
<magic 0x159c776f>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x2b <auth chap MD5>]
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2c <auth pap> <magic
Oct 10 22:58:04 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x2c <auth pap>]
Oct 10 22:58:05 linux pppd[606]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Oct 10 22:58:05 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 "User request"]
Oct 10 22:58:08 linux pppd[606]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"]
Oct 10 22:58:11 linux pppd[606]: Connection terminated.
Oct 10 22:58:12 linux pppd[606]: Exit.

Wölli Lupo

RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon Wölli Lupo » Mo 25 Nov, 2002 15:20

hmm weiß keiner mehr wie er mir helfen kann ?
Wölli Lupo

RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon Gerhard » Mo 25 Nov, 2002 15:44

Kenne mich mit dem LAN-Modem nicht aus, daher kann ich dir nur die beiden Tips geben:

1. Sichere deine alte "/etc/ppp/options"-Datei irgendwo hin und laß wirklich nur die Zeilen stehen, die im Howto von Manuel gefordert sind.

2. Kontrolliere noch einmal, ob deine Benutzerkennung und das Paßwort für deinen Internet-Account korrekt sind (in den Dateien "/etc/ppp/options" und "/etc/ppp/secrets").

Schöne Grüße,

RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon Wölli Lupo » Mo 25 Nov, 2002 22:35

hab ich schon alles probiert..

Wölli Lupo

RE: Adsl mit Suse Partition !

Beitragvon Wölli Lupo » Mo 25 Nov, 2002 22:36

weiß vielleicht jemand wie man das internet leichter installieren kann ?...

Wölli Lupo


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