startprob mit suse linux 8.0

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Das Forum fĂĽr den Linux-Pinguin - auch andere Unix-Derivate (*BSD, (Open)Solaris, Apple's Darwin / MacOS X, ...) sind hier willkommen!

startprob mit suse linux 8.0

Beitragvon Silver » Sa 12 Okt, 2002 13:36

hi leutz!
also hab mir suse linux 8.0 installed, nicht ubgegradet und jetzt bekomm ich plötzlich eine fehlermeldung beim start: starting hotplugging services [net pci usb ] und genau hier bleibt er stecken und bei der tastatur lüchten alle leds auf und der pc gibt einen scheußlichen dauer-beep-ton!
was kann da nur falsch sein?
bitte helf ma!

RE: startprob mit suse linux 8.0

Beitragvon Silver » Sa 12 Okt, 2002 16:04

hi hab mein prob schon beseitigt! also brauch keine replies mehr!

RE: startprob mit suse linux 8.0

Beitragvon diana williamw » Mi 13 Nov, 2002 15:54

FROM ;Mrs Diana Williams.


Based on the information and recommendation I got
about quick growth of business investment commercial
real estates, import and export trade in your country,
I deemed it necessary to write and inform you about my
interest to invest in any viable venture in joint
partnership with. You.
.I am Mrs Diana Williams from mende tribe in Sierra
Leone, my husband , until his death he was the king of
our tribe and also one of the richest diamond and gold
dealer in Sierra Leone.

On the 19th may 2000.My husband was murdered by the
rebel forces on the accusation that he is a great
sponsor and in support to restore the democratically
elected president of alhadji Tejan Kabba .Almost half
of the palace was burnt .My husband junior brother who
is in support of the rebel forces took over control
of the leadership by force .Fortunately I was not in
the place when they raided the palace .My husband
married four wives with 11 children. two of the wives,
with my children including my mother were murdered in
cold blood while my two younger brothers escape the
incident until this moment where the remaining
families are I don’t know their way about whether they
are alive or not.

Right now I am left alone with only child and a
younger sister. since the sudden assassination of my
husband the family has been displaced and totally
disorganised. on the extensive search on the place I
discovered the documents covering the deposit my
husband made in security company .He deposited a trunk
box containing us$ 14.5million Dollars and including
important family treasures that is artifacts and gold.
As my town has been a serious war zone, I made
arrangements with ECOMOG peace keeping force to help
me move out the remaining family out the country .
However we moved out of sierra-Leone successfully with
these documents , certificates, of deposit and receipt
of payment , in other words my husband did not
disclose to the security company the real contents of

Now I wish to transfer these funds abroad and enter
into a business venture as the country [ACCRA HANA]
is no longer in peace since they conducted their
presidential election on the 22nd October 2000 the
country has witness all sorts of political unrest
ranging from ethnic clash which resulted to killing of
innocent citizen and strangers. People are living in
fears as the country is no longer that peaceful nation
as it was before due to this reason that I have
decided to contact you, to assist me to transfer or
lift out this my family consignment out of this
country .please I need your assistance. Reply me this
message immediately. Or
you can call me on this mobile telephone number,
you can get me or my son [00233-24-69-49-35] for more
information .
Thanks ,Wishing you God richest blessing. Your
Mrs Diana Williams.
diana williamw


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