Inode Phone + Network ??

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Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen zum Thema VoIP und Internet-Fax-Dienste - unabhängig von VoIP/Internet-Fax-Technologie und Anbieter.

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Inode Phone + Network ??

Beitragvon Broadcaster » So 27 Mai, 2007 08:40

First of all sorry for writing in English, but my German sux.. :) Anyway, u can answer me in German, it is also ok.. :)

Here is the question (problem).. We have an Inode xDSL + Phone package that worx perfect.. :) Also, there is a LAN router on the network so that we can share internet connection.. The problem is this.. We have 3 diferent phone numbers and i would like to use all of them! I would have one, my sister also, and one would be left for fax.. From iNode we got 3 black boxes (Mediatrix).. On each of them there are 2 Rj45 connectors and one RJ11 connector.. The connecting schema should be something like this.. From modem to a network switch - from switch to router, and also from switch to mediatrix and from there to phone.. It worx like this and i have tried it. Now, the problem is that i have only one cable to my, and one cable to my sisters room.. This one is connected to the router, and to our PC-s. Can i use the same cable to connect the mediatrix? The schema would then look like this..
XDSL modem -- ROUTER ---- cable -------- Mediatrix ------- Phone and PC

On this Mediatrix device, there are PC and phone connectors! So the question is, can the phone signal pass thru router or not?

Thnx in advance, and sorry once more..
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Beitragvon max_payne » So 27 Mai, 2007 08:56

I'm not sure if it works, but you can try it like this:
little bit crazy ;-)
howto.JPG (20.55 KiB) 6414-mal betrachtet
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Beitragvon Broadcaster » So 27 Mai, 2007 09:40


I dont think that is going to solve my problem..

I need to use the phone also from the same Mediatrix..
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Registriert: Mi 22 Sep, 2004 22:43

Beitragvon penguinforce » So 27 Mai, 2007 13:29


i have one mayor question in mind: why do you have 3 mediatrix?

do you have an inode business product (with 3 seperate numbers)?

with an inode private product there's only one mediatrix sent.


Beitragvon Broadcaster » So 27 Mai, 2007 13:40

Thats right!

I have a business package with three separate phone numbers, and three Mediatrix devices!
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Registriert: Mi 22 Sep, 2004 22:43

Beitragvon penguinforce » So 27 Mai, 2007 14:21

if you want to use your router AND your mediatrix on the same network cable, then you will got a problem.

it will work, if you choose to remove the router, and connect it like max_payne described (with one difference: remove the router, and at this point use your switch).

every pc will get a public static ip (selected from your range, assigned to each pc by you).

if you want a nat feature (like your router does) then write a letter to the inode support with your wish, they can chance it (caution: if you change from routing to nat there's no public server-usage possible (inode has only 2 stages: routing or nat, no (technical possible, e.g. port forwardings) steps between)).



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