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Inode Speed Problem

BeitragVerfasst: Do 24 Feb, 2005 00:06
von Broadcaster
First of all sorry for writeing in English, but my German sux... Anyway.. I have Inode@Home 2048/512 and i am a bit confused about my upload speed! When i am downloading, i am hiting the mark of 230 Kb/s and i find it ok, but when i am uploading i can not do more then 15 Kb/s!!! I dont know why and how! :( So 15 Kb/s iis like the Maximum for my upload and it should be like WAYYYY more!! :(

I have Linksys WRT54G router with WiFi Box newest firmware.. But it has nothing to do with it i bet!

What am i doing wrong??

Thanx in advance for helping me..

BeitragVerfasst: Do 24 Feb, 2005 06:46
von jutta
something might be wrong with the wiring. if you post your "Kundennummer" one of the inode guys can check.

BeitragVerfasst: Do 24 Feb, 2005 10:30
von Krieger_79
Well u cant download with Full speed and Upload at same time (with full speed) its not a syncron connection...

GRUSS :ok:

BeitragVerfasst: Do 24 Feb, 2005 10:34
von Broadcaster

Looks like the problem is solved! I just turned off the router and turned it back on.. It reconnected and now i have the new IP address.. So with this IP address i can download like before, and upload at 50 - 55 Kb/s.. That is ok right?

I know that xDSL is not a sync connection! :) Thats why i have it! :)

Thanx for trying to help guys! If i have any more problems i will let u know! :)

BeitragVerfasst: Do 24 Feb, 2005 10:39
von Krieger_79
My upload is most @ 60Kb/s, but your 55 now, are much better than 15 :D

GRUSS :ok:

BeitragVerfasst: Do 24 Feb, 2005 18:35
von Broadcaster
Bad news! :((

It is happening again! :( Huhh.. I dont know how to solve it! :( Upload speed is again at 10 - 15 Kb/s..

Here is my Customer No.: 126612

Thanx in advance guys.. :(

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 25 Feb, 2005 00:04
von Krieger_79
What program/website u use for testing the speed??

Try to download from the --> <-- server. And look at the speed... and Upload to your webspace...

GRUSS :ok:

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 25 Feb, 2005 14:46
von Broadcaster
I did that m8! :( Still the same! Huhh i am going nuts already! :(

Huhhh i dont know what to do..

Did i do a good thig for leaveing my customer no. here?


BeitragVerfasst: Fr 25 Feb, 2005 16:32
von dfx
i checked your dsl line, it is _very_ bad. currently you only have 160 kbit/s upstream, because the upstream signal is very bad (the downstream signal isn't very strong either, but it's strong enough for 2,5 mbit/s). the worst signal i see in my logs is 96 kbit/s. is there anything unusual about the cabling between the phone jack and the dsl modem on your seide? maybe some electric devices that could cause interference?

BeitragVerfasst: So 27 Feb, 2005 18:36
von Broadcaster
Well nothing that i am aware of! :(

I only have WRT54g router from Linksys that is next to the Modem.. Can it cause interference? I am useing like 10 m phone cable from jack till the modem.. Nothing else that i am aware of!

If u have some advice for me, i will be glad to do what is told! :)

Thanx in advance..

PS. A naibor works for Police.. I can borow from him a CSA device.. CSA (Communication System Anallyser).. and with it i can measure signals in my room.. Can that help?

BeitragVerfasst: Mo 28 Feb, 2005 08:44
von drobi
Try to connect the Modem with the original cable to the phone jack.

I bet your 10m cable is not the original one. This could be the reason (bad cable by MediaMarkt etc).

Anyway, i have a 10m cable for Phonejack -> Modem but no sources of interferences close to the cable. And i have a distance of Modem -> Router of ~4m and no other devices next to the Modem.

BeitragVerfasst: Mo 28 Feb, 2005 09:37
von Broadcaster
Ok i will try to do that!

Thanx for the advice.. So today when i get back home, i will try it and then paste the resoults here..

BeitragVerfasst: Mo 28 Feb, 2005 10:38
von dfx
the 10 m phone cable may be the reason already... any chance you can bring the modem online with the shorter cable that came with the modem, so i can check the line again to see if theres any improvement? and/or remove the devices that you think could cause interference?

BeitragVerfasst: Mo 28 Feb, 2005 22:49
von Broadcaster
Now the cable is removed.. I use the one that came with Modem.. Also.. WRT54G is like 2 few metters away.. Speed is still really slow.. :(

Same thing.. 15 Kb up.. Max..


BeitragVerfasst: Di 01 Mär, 2005 07:11
von Gorbag
Just a question. Did you reboot the modem after plugging in the shorter cable (switch off and on...)?